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Official Illustrated Mi-Ki Breed Standard

General Appearance

The Mi-Ki is a small, friendly, and alert toy dog of lively action, compact and solid yet refined, in two varieties-long and smooth. The long coat has a long flowing single coat with feathering on the legs, ears, and tail. The long coated Mi-Ki is to be shown in its own class separate from the smooth coat Mi-Ki. The Mi-Ki is proud and carries the head high with the tail curved over the back. The long coat can be groomed in two styles. The show cut is to have the head clipped with a #10 blade going under the chin while leaving a beard and mustache. The ears are to be blended into the head. The feet are to be clipped to reveal the toes and top of the foot. Until one year of age puppies can be in the Natural coat which does not require clipping of the hair on the head or feet. The hair on the head must be loose with no topknot or bows and should be neatly trimmed so you can clearly see the eyes. The smooth coat must not have the head or feet clipped, as the hair is to be naturally short on the head and feet. All coat styles should clip the hair between the pads. Even though a toy dog, the Mi-Ki is subject to the same requirements of soundness and structure prescribed for all breeds.

Size, Proportion, Substance 

Size-Ideally, maturity height, at the wither is 7 to 9 inches, but no more than 11inches. Ideal weight of mature dogs is  4 to 8 pounds, not less than 3 pounds and not more than 10 pounds. Size should be in good proportion with the overall structure of the dog, never appearing squatty or leggy. Proportion-Length should be slightly longer than the height at the withers. The Mi-Ki must never be so high stationed as to appear leggy or square. Substance- Regardless of size, the Mi-Ki is always compact and solid yet refined.


Head-Well-rounded with a well-defined stop. Wide between the eyes. Fault: Narrow head, close set eyes. Expression-Warm, sweet, and friendly. An overall well-balanced and pleasant expression.

Chester head                Sarah sideview

Eyes-Dark round and prominent. Never clear blue and never two different colors. Well placed apart. Self-coloring on dilute, liver and blue dogs. Faults: Small, close set, clear blue and/or two different colored eyes. Ears-Ears are in 2 types: erect and down. All ear types are capable of winging. Both ears must be the same ear type. All ear types must be feathered. The ears should be very mobile and used well. Fault: Ears of two different types after 6 month of age.

Magic ears         Minnie ears          Chester ears

Muzzle- Never pointed or turned down. The muzzle should be in proportion to the overall size of the head, but should never exceed ¼ of the overall measurement from stop to base of skull, yet should never appear flat or pushed-in. Fault: Lack of defined stop. Nose-Nostrils are wide and open, never pinched. Self-coloring on dilute, liver and blue dogs. Fault: Pinched nostrils. Pigmentation-Nose and eye rims are black in all colors except dilute, liver and blue pigmented dogs which may be self-coloring. Iris color must be the same. Faults: Pink on nose or eye rims after the age of 6 months. Clear blue eyes or two different colored eyes. Bite-The bite should be a tight scissor to slightly undershot, neither preferred. May have slight space between top and bottom teeth providing the teeth never show when the mouth is closed. A missing tooth or slightly unaligned teeth should not be too severely penalized. Teeth and tongue should not show when mouth is closed. Fault: overshot bite.

tight scissor bite                                undershot bite

Neck, Topline, Body

Of utmost importance is an overall well-balanced dog. Neck-Well set-on flowing smoothly into the shoulders; of sufficient length to permit natural high head carriage and balance with height and length of dog never to appear short or thick. Topline-Level and straight. Fault: Roached or high in the rear topline. Body-A Mi-Ki should be slightly longer than the height at the withers. Chest-Medium in depth with good spring of ribs. Ribcage should extend just to the elbow. Tail-Set high, heavily plumed, carried curved well over the back. Low set tail is undesirable and should be penalized to the extent of the deviation.

Maverick topline                              Alexander topline


Shoulders-Well-angulated, fitting smoothly into the body. Laid back to allow freedom of movement. Legs-Straight, never bowed. Elbows should be set close to the body. Feathering must be present. Dewclaws may be removed. Feet-Hare-like in shape, thin and elongated. When relaxed, the front feet may turn slightly outwards, but should never interfere with movement.


Angulation of hindquarters should be in balance with forequarters. Legs-Legs should be parallel when viewed from rear with well-bent stifles, not close set, but in line with forequarters. Dewclaws must be removed. Feathering must be present. Feet-Hare-like in shape, thin and elongated.


Long Coat-The coat should be luxurious with a single coat that is silky and straight. Feathering is long. Long coats must always be groomed in one of the two recognized show styles. Smooth Coat –The smooth coat should be medium length that lies close to the body with no beard or mustache and has fringing on the ears. Both the front and rear legs must have feathering with pants present on hind legs. Tail-Set high, heavily plumed, carried curved well over back. Low set tail is undesirable and should be penalized to the extent of the deviation.

Buster coat           Magic coat

Grooming-The long coat can be groomed in two styles. The show cut is to have the head clipped with a # 10 blade going under the neck and ears should be blended in at the base. There is always a beard and mustache present. The feet are to be clipped with a # 10 blade to reveal the toes and top of the foot. Until one year of age a puppy may be in the Natural coat, which does not require clipping of the head. The hair on the head must be loose with no topknot or bows and should be neatly trimmed so you can see the eyes without moving the hair on the head. The smooth coat must not have the head or feet clipped as the hair is to be naturally short. However all coat styles should clean the pads.

long coat puppies                                        smooth coat



Color and Markings

Color-All colors are permitted. All markings, including solids, are permitted.


The Mi-Ki moves straight and must be shown at its own natural pace, neither raced nor strung-up, to evaluate it’s smooth, flowing, effortless movement with good front reach and equally strong rear drive, level topline, naturally high head carriage and tail carried high curved over back.

rear movement                   side movement


The sole purpose of the Mi-Ki is that of a companion and house pet, it is essential that its temperament be outgoing, happy, affectionate and friendly.

child puppy      Kira smooth coat        Cookie

Revised 6-20-2007 American Mi-Ki Registry Association


Eyes: Small, close set, clear blue and/or two different colored eyes
Ears: Ears of two different types after 6 month of age
Muzzle: Lack of defined stop.
Nose: Pinched nostrils. Pink on nose or eye rims after the age of 6 months
Bite: Overshot bite
Topeline: Roached or high in the rear topline
Grooming: Lack of required show cut after one year of age.

Height: Over 11 inches tall at withers.
Weight: Over 10 pounds.

For a Printable Version of AMRA's Official Breed Standard, click here: Official AMRA Mi-Ki Breed Standard

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